- Observing the User Experience
- Understanding Your Users
- Usability Engineering
- The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction
- Designing from both sides of the screen
- User and Task Analysis for Interface Design
- Software for Use
- Designing Web Usability
- Paper Prototyping
- User-Centered Design
- Rapid Contextual Design
- Information Dashboard Design
- 사용성 테스트 가이드북
- The Elements of User Experience
- Designing Interfaces
- Designing Visual Interfaces
- Don't Make Me Think
- Interaction Design for Complex Problem Solving
- Thoughtful Interaction Design
- Effective Prototyping for Software Makers
- Prioritizing Web Usability
- The User is Always Right
- Designing for Interaction
- Designing the Obvious
- The Design of Sites
- Contextual Design
- Persona Lifecycle
- Analog In, Digital Out
- Designing Interactions
- Communicating Design
- Sketching User Experiences
- Universal Principles of Design
- Emotional Design
- The Psychology of Everyday Things
- 정신병원에서 뛰쳐나온 디자인
- Humane Interface
Research/Book2008. 5. 29. 06:21