Research/Book2008. 5. 29. 06:21
  1. Observing the User Experience
  2. Understanding Your Users
  3. Usability Engineering
  4. The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction
  5. Designing from both sides of the screen
  6. User and Task Analysis for Interface Design
  7. Software for Use
  8. Designing Web Usability
  9. Paper Prototyping
  10. User-Centered Design
  11. Rapid Contextual Design
  12. Information Dashboard Design
  13. 사용성 테스트 가이드북
  14. The Elements of User Experience
  15. Designing Interfaces
  16. Designing Visual Interfaces
  17. Don't Make Me Think
  18. Interaction Design for Complex Problem Solving
  19. Thoughtful Interaction Design
  20. Effective Prototyping for Software Makers
  21. Prioritizing Web Usability
  22. The User is Always Right
  23. Designing for Interaction
  24. Designing the Obvious
  25. The Design of Sites
  26. Contextual Design
  27. Persona Lifecycle
  28. Analog In, Digital Out
  29. Designing Interactions
  30. Communicating Design
  31. Sketching User Experiences
  32. Universal Principles of Design
  33. Emotional Design
  34. The Psychology of Everyday Things
  35. 정신병원에서 뛰쳐나온 디자인
  36. Humane Interface
Posted by chacolina